
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Photo of Sarah Cartmel Crogent

Sorry it's been such a long time since I have posted anything.  Between, school, work, the holidays and the little bit of research I've been able to squeeze in, I just haven't had time to sit down and write over the past few months.

Since school is going to be crazy for at least another couple of weeks, I thought I could at least post a few pictures. I received quite a bit of information from my uncle, Jim Buggie, who has done some great research on the family over the past few years.  He provided me with quite a few documents and pictures he has collected. 

This first picture is my favorite.  It is of my Great great-grandmother, Sarah Cartmel Crogent, who I wrote about recently. She was Nana's Grandmother who came to the U.S. from England. The picture reminds me of a Dorothea Lang photo from the depression era.

I'm not sure who the two girls at the table are, but they may be Sarah's daughters Fannie (Nana's mother) and Nellie.