
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

William the Conqueror Lineage II

1. King William I
+ Matilda of Flanders
2. King Henry I
+ Matilda of Scotland
3. Empress Maude or Matilda of England
+ Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou and Maine
4. King Henry II
+ Eleanor of Aquitaine
5. King John I (Lackland)
+ Isabella d'Angouleme
6. King Henry III
+ Eleanor of Provence
7. King Edward I
+ Eleanor of Castile
8. Princess Elizabeth Plantagenet
+ Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Herford and Essex
9. Lady Margaret de Bohun
+ Hugh de Courtenay, Count of Auxerre
10. Edward de Courtenay
+ Emeline Dawney
11. Sir Hugh de Courtenay
+ Lady Maud de Beaumont
12. Margaret de Courtenay
+ Sir Theobald Grenville
13. Sir William Grenville
+ Philippa Bonville
14. Thomas Grenville
+ Elizabeth Georges
15. Sir Thomas Grenville
+ Elizabeth Gilbert
16. Roger Grenville
+ Margaret Whitleigh
17. Annye Grenville
+ John Drake, Esq, High Sheriff of Devon
18. Robert Drake
+ Elizabeth Prideaux
19. William Drake
+ Philippa Dennys
20. John Drake (immigrant to America)
+ Elizabeth Rogers (immigrant to America
21. John Drake Jr.
+ Hannah More
22. Job Drake
+ Elizabeth Alvord
23. Elizabeth Drake
+ Joseph Rockwell
24. Joseph Rockwell
+ Hannah Huntington
25. Joseph Rockwell
+ Anna Dodd
26. Joseph Rockwell
+ Esther Cone
27. George Rockwell
+ Myris Guiteau
28. C.C. Rockwell
+ Margaret Phelps
29. Ada Lucy Rockwell
+ Charles E. Hotchkiss
30. Ida Hotchkiss
+ Joseph Williard Munson
31. Sir George Williard Munson of Winsted, Connecticut
+ Lady Ruth Marie Koerner of Greenwich, Connecticut
32. Lord Edward Deck Munson of Columbia, Connecticut
+ Lady Debra Florence Dahlquist of Wells, Maine
33. Scott Edward Munson (King in exile)

William the Conqueror Silver Coin
(picture taken from wikipedia)

Once again I am making my rightful claim to the throne of England as the 30th Great-Grandson of William the Great, King of England. Some may have questioned my credentials based on the previous lineage posted in June 2010 because it was through William the Great's daughter Princess Gundred, who, while treated in every way as a daughter, may not have been his daughter by blood.  This line is through his fourth son Henry who succeeded his brother, William II, becoming Henry I, King of England. This line also contains several other kings whom you can google to find out more information.

It's interesting to note that the last King in this lineage was King Edward I.  One has to wonder if my Grammy Munson knew this when she gave my father the name Edward.  I haven't found it anywhere else in the family but it does add some legitimacy to my claim.

King Edward I, also known as Edward Longshanks
because of his unusual height for the time
(picture taken from wikipedia)

Whether she knew or not, naming my father Edward which was passed down as my middle name allows me several options when I am crowned.  I could drop my first name and become King Edward IX in honor of our family's last King. (As a side note: it was King Edward VIII who abdicated the thrown to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson in 1936).  I could keep my first name and be King Scott I in recognition of my 29th Great-Granmother, William the Great's daughter in law, Matilda of Scotland.  I could honor and recognize both by become King Edward IX of Scotland.  This would of course have the double meaning since I grew up in Scotland, Connecticut but may be confusing since I would be the King of Great Britain and not just of Scotland.

I imagine that I have some time to consider these options while my claim to the throne is verified. Until then, I remain in exile under the cruel rule of King Jubal the Terrible, Master of Apartment 2C in The Salem, Jackson Heights, New York :)

Jubal the Terrible on his throne
picture taken October 2010 by SEM

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bridget (Delia) Fitzgerald Bowman

Third Great-Grandmother & Immigrant from Ireland

1. Bridget (Delia) Fitzgerald
+ Edward Bowman
2. Michael Joseph Bowman
+ Mary Louise Connelly
3. Arthur Joseph Bowman
+ Frances Harriet Crogent
4. Florence Mary Bowman
+ John Emil Dahlquist, Jr
5. Debra Florence Dahlquist
+ Edward Deck Munson
6. Scott Edward Munson

In honor of St. Patrick's day, I thought I would explore one of our Irish ancestors, Bridget (Delia) Fitzgerald Bowman.  She was my Nana's Great-grandmother but I don't know a lot about her other than what I have been able to find in documents, some of which have been provided by my Uncle, James Buggie. 

We know that she was born December 24, 1847 in the county of Wexford in Ireland and that her parent's names were John Fitzgerald and Alice Murphy.  I know nothing of her parents other than their name and her birthplace, but if you remember them, I will explain why they are significant later on.  Her name was Bridget, but she probably went by Delia which was recorded in several census records.

Main Street in the town of Wexford, County of Wexford, Ireland.
(picture from Wikipedia)

She married my 3rd Great-Grandfather, Edward Bowman - a shoemaker from Waterford County, Ireland.  Their first child, James, was born in 1860 in Waterford County.  Their second child, Michael Joseph (my 2nd Great-Grandfather) was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1865.  Why the family were on the move, I do not know, but by 1870, when their 3rd child, Amelia, was born, they were living in Liverpool, England.

In 1875 the family sailed for America.  I have been unsuccessful in finding their arrival records, but in the 1880 US Census, they were living at 2 Ninth Avenue in New York City. Today, this is the very trendy area know as the Meat Packing District but back in the late 1800s, it was probably a very poor neighborhood.  Both Edward, age 42, and James, age 20, were listed as Boot & Shoe Makers. Michael, age 15, was working in a soda water factory! Remember, this was before child labor laws went into effect.

This square is where their apartment on Ninth Ave would have been. Notice the
smaller buildings in the background which probably date to the 1880s.
(picture taken in Jun 2010 by SEM)

These buildings are accross the street but were probably there when Edward
& Delia lived on Ninth Avenue.
(picture taken in Jun 2010 by SEM)
In the 1900 Census, Delia was living with James and Amelia at 423 West 18th Street. Today, this is where the Chelsea Projects are.  She was listed as a Widow, but we know that Edward did not die until 1904.  Whether they were divorced or he was institutionalized, we do not know.  The census tells us she was the mother of 10 children and only 3 were still living.  The other children probably died in infancy since James, Michael and Amelia were all still living and were the only children ever recorded with Bridget in any of the census records.

Delia was living in the same apartment on West 18th Street in both the 1910 and 1920 Census.  She was listed working as a Janitress, probably in the building she lived in.  In 1910, Amelia Morris was a widow living there with her two daughters, Edith and Mildred.  By 1920, James was back living with his mother and helping out as a Janitor to her Janitress.  Amelia was also living there with her second husband, Patrick McDonald.

Bridget died on December 3, 1922, less than a month before her 75th birthday and only eight months after the birth of her Great-Grandaughter, Florence Mary Bowman.  The picture below is possibly a picture of Bridget holding my Nana.  The caption on it reads, Florence Bowman with unknown Grandmother.  The picture doesn't look like either of her own grandmothers.  Both of her mother's Grandmothers were already dead before she was born, so this must be one of her Father's Grandmothers, Bridget Bowman or Anastasia Connelly. 

"Grandma unknown holding Florence Bowman"
I love the buildings in the background.
(picture provided by Jim Buggie)
Bridget is buried in Calvary Cemetery here in Queens with her husband Edward, her son James and several grandchildren.  There is no stone to mark the spot.
There is no stone, but this is the spot where Edward & Delia are buried.
(picture taken Aug 2010 by SEM)

Now, you'll remember I told you not to forget the names of Delia's parents and the location of her birth.  It just so happens that we may be connected to America's greatest son of Irish descent, President John FITZGERALD Kennedy.  It turns out that his family was also from Wexford County Ireland.  His Grandfather on his Mother's side was named John Fitzgerald and his Great-Grandmother on his Father's side was named Bridget Murphy - and they were all from Wexford County. I haven't made a direct connection yet, but it is very probable that we are related. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Curious Connections to Nicholas Holt

I ran across this interesting little tid-bit concerning the family of Ada (Rockwell) Hotchkiss (see July 2010 post) and thought it was worth sharing. 

I first encountered the name Nicholas Holt when I was searching for grave stones in Norfolk, CT.  The stone for my Sixth Great-Grandmother, Ada's father's Great-Grandmother, reads: "Lydia, wife first of Jedediah Phelps then of Nicholas Holt..."

(picture taken Jul 2010 by SEM)

I didn't think much of it at the time, but I took the picture and made a note of it.  Every once in a while I would be doing research and would run across "she later married Nicholas Holt" or something to that effect, and I would think, "Oh, yeah.  I remember her grave stone. Nicholas Holt." 

Last week, I was reading part of a book on the history of Norfolk when I ran across that very phrase:  "she later married Nicholas Holt" and I thought, "Oh, yeah, she's..." I went to her profile on but there was no grave picture, so I decided I would upload the one I had taken (even though I thought I had already done that). I soon discovered that I had already uploaded it, but to a different person. I was talking about two different grandmothers, both of whom married Nicholas Holt as their second husband!  The one I was reading about in this book was not Lydia but Sarah (Phelps) Bingham, my Fifth Great-Grandmother and Ada's mother's Grandmother.

So, who was this Nicholas Holt?  He was born in 1755 in East Haven, CT but moved to Norfolk with his parents when he was a child.  He enlisted in the revolutionary army as a teenager and was soon on the Campaign to Quebec.  It was at Lake George that he fell sick with smallpox. To avoid death, he jumped into the freezing waters of Lake George which quelled the smallpox but led to a severe cold.  Swelling in his hip caused him to be disabled for the rest of his life.

(picture from
He returned to Norfolk after serving in the Revolution and married his first wife, Keturah Pratt.  They had ten children together and she died in February 1798.  With five children under the age of fifteen, he married his second wife, Sarah (Phelps) Bingham in February 1799.  She had been married to Ozias Bingham, my Sixth Great-Grandfather with whom she had five children.  Some records indicate Ozias and Sarah were divorced and other records say he abandoned his CT family.  Either way, Ozias ended up in Wysox, Pennsylvania where by all accounts he lived a respectable life with his second family, living to the age of 90. 

While Sarah and Nicholas had no children together, Sarah raised the youngest of Nicholas & Keturah's children.  Her children with Ozias were probably all near adulthood by the time she married Nicholas.  They remained married until 1821 when she died at the age of 67.

Nicholas next married Lydia (Gaylord) Phelps, his third wife, in 1824.  She was the widow of Jedediah Phelps, my Fifth Great-Grandfather and brother of Sarah (Phelps) Bingham Holt, the second wife of Nicholas.  Are you confused yet?  Maybe this will help:

Brilliant Chart created by SEM
I think this makes him my Step Fifth Great-Grandfather and Step Sixth Great-Grandfather - or maybe it's Fifth Great-Stepgrandfather and Sixth Great-Stepgrandfather.  I'm not sure which is the correct termininology to use!

Either way, Nicholas was a respected member of the Congregational Church in Norfolk and served two terms representing his town in the Connectictut Legislature. He died in 1832 at the age of 77. He wasn't our direct ancestor but we can still honor him and remember his multiple connections to our family.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Reverend Thomas Hooker

The First American Democrat

Tenth Great-Grandfather
Immigrant Ancestor

1. Reverend Thomas Hooker
+ Suzanna
2. Reverend Samuel Hooker
+ Mary Willet
3. John Hooker
+ Abigail Standley
4. Hezekiah Hooker
+ Abigail Curtis
5. James Hooker
+ Dorothy Parmalee
6. Thomas Hooker
+ Ruth Parmalee
7. Dr. Thomas Gould Hooker
+ Esther Sweet
8. Thomas Edwin Hooker
+ Lucy Hyde
9. Marus Edwin Hooker
+ Elizabeth Rosenburg
10. Jennie Estella Hooker
+ John Emil Dahlquist, Sr.
11. John Emil Dahlquist, Jr.
+ Florence Mary Bowman
12. Debra Florence Dahlquist
+ Edward (Ned) Deck Munson
13. Scott Edward Munson

In my first post for this blog, I alluded to the fact that I grew up knowing that I was a direct descendant of the Reverend Thomas Hooker, one of the most prominent of the New England puritan ministers and a leader in the founding of Hartford, Connecticut.  I decided that before posting about some additional ancestors who are closely connected to him, that I ought to at least give a brief account of his life and the lasting impact of his ministry. If you do a Google search you will discover a great deal more about his life and legacy.

Statue of Thomas Hooker in Hartford
(picture from

Thomas Hooker was born in England about 1586. He attended Emmauel College in Cambridge, England where he studied for the ministry. He was a gifted preacher and soon held a position at the St. Mary's Church in Chelmsford, England.  It was there that Arch-Bishop William Laud objected to some of his puritan teachings which were considered contrary to the established Church of England.  Though 50 of his fellow clergy signed a petition in support of his ministry and character, Thomas Hooker found himself in more and more trouble with the Arch-Bishop. In 1630, he was to be put on trial before an Ecclesiastical Court, but instead fled to Holland.

Plaque found in St. Mary's Church
(picture from

He returned to England in 1633, but before being arrested, he fled once more with his family and a group of friends. This time, his destination was not Holland, but the New World.  He arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts in the ship Griffin on September 3, 1633, just 13 short years after the Mayflower had landed there with the Pilgrims. 

Plaque located in Cambridge, MA
(picture from Wikipedia)

Thomas Hooker and his followers settled in Newtowne, Massachusetts where he was chosen to be the Pastor.  (Newtowne was later renamed Cambridge and is currently the sight of Harvard Square.)  There are several reasons Thomas Hooker and his followers decided to seek a new home only a couple years after arriving there.  First, it was getting crowded.  More and more people were arriving in Massachusetts every year.  Arch-Bishop Laud was on a rampage, and many Puritan ministers and their followers were fleeing the persecution in England. Secondly, Thomas Hooker had some theological disagreements with the church leaders in Hartford.  Reverend John Cotton was the most prominant minister in Boston at  the time, and there was friction between the two.  The third, and I believe, primary reason for his move is best described by Walter Seth Logan, a fellow Hooker Descendant, in a paper he wrote in 1905:

"He moved from Massachusetts to Connecticut for the same reason that he had moved from England to Holland and from Holland to America, to find a place not so much where he could worship God as he chose as to work out his own destiny for himself and to found a real democracy for himself and for his devoted followers.  He moved from the valley of Charles to the valley of Connecticut to escape from government theocratic in its origin and inevitably aristocratic in its nature, to a place where a real democratic government could be established - where the people could rule... Well may we claim for Thomas Hooker the title - to my mind the noblest title ever borne by the son of woman - the First American Democrat"

Statue commemorating the Puritan journey to Hartford
(picture taken in July 2010 by SEM)

Plaque which accompanies statue
(picture taken in July 2010 by SEM)

In 1636, Thomas Hooker led about 100 of his followers: men, women and children, on a 100 mile journey through the wilderness of Massachusetts and Connecticut to the site of a small Dutch trading post on the Connecticut River.  There they settled, and Hartford was born.

Center Church in Hartford - Thomas Hooker was the first Pastor
(picture taken in July 2010 by SEM)

By 1638, the settlements at Hartford, Windsor and Wethersfield had created a General Court (legislature) together and established the Connecticut Colony. On May 31, 1638, Thomas Hooker preached the opening serman at a  meeting of that court convened to frame a set of laws to govern the colony.  The themes of that sermon were used in establishing the new written constitution.  Among them: the choice of leaders belongs to the people, public service is a trust to be used for the good of the people and the public has the right to limit the power of their leaders.  He ends his sermon with the statement, "As God has given us liberty let us take it." These were some radical ideas at the time, but they became the foundation for the new Connecticut Constitution and later for the Constitution of the United States.

Thomas Hooker's name appears on the Founder's Monument in Hartford
(picture taken in July 2010 by SEM)

Thomas Hooker lived another eight years under the government that he helped establish.  Connecticut thrived as a Colony and today Thomas Hooker can be remembered for his part in History.

Table marking the burial location of Thomas Hooker reads:
(picture taken July 2010 by SEM)
As a side note: sorry guys, but there is no connection between the man Thomas Hooker and the Connecticut brewing company that carries his name. As a Puritan Minister, he would probably be horrified to know that his name was being used to promote alcoholic beverages.  When he arrived in Chelmsford, England, it was a town known for it's wild ale houses and pubs.  His public teachings there were credited with helping transform it to a more "respectable" community.

I on the other hand love the Hooker Brewing Company and love the idea that I am imbibing in a beverage that brings me great joy and is named for my tenth great-grandfather :)
Thomas Hooker Brewing Company
(picture from

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Crogent Brothers Photo

Another one of my favorite photos is this one of the Crogent brothers from some time in the early 1900s.
Crogent Brothers

Unfortunately the only one I can identify is my great great-grandfather, William Joseph Crogent (see my October 2010 post) who is in the middle of the front row.  He is the oldest. The others are Martin, Walter, Benjamin, Thomas & Albert - I'm just not sure which is which.

All of the brothers were born in Liverpool, England and emmigrated to America.  Thomas moved to Ohio but the other brothers stayed in the Northeast.  They had four sisters, Mary Ellen, Anne, Elizabeth & Louisa.  Both Anne & Louisa came to America.  Elizabeth stayed in England. Mary Ellen stayed in England but I am not sure if she came to the United States. 

Their parents, William and Mary (Curly) Crogent also came to America. As far as I can tell, they are the only family to have the last name Crogent.  William's original last name was Kroger.  Why it was changed, I do not know, but every Crogent I have found a record for is a descendant of William and Mary. They are buried in Calvary Cemetery here in Queens, just a mile from my house.

If you are able to identify the other brothers please comment or email me.  If you have other pictures of these brothers or sisters you would like to share, please email them to me.
Thanks :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

George W. Munson

Great Great-Grandfather

1. George W. Munson (1859-1943)
+ Eleanor A. Parsons (1853-1923)
2. Joseph Willard Munson (1885-1961)
+ Ida E. Hotchkiss (1885-1861)
3. George Willard Munson (1915-1993)
+ Ruth Marie Koerner (1917-2003)
5. Edward (Ned) Deck Munson
+ Debra Florence Dahlquist
6. Scott Edward Munson

This is a picture of George W. Munson, the grandfather of my Grampa, George Willard Munson, sitting in a rocking chair.  On his lap is my aunt, Barbara (Munson) Herrick, his great-grandchild.

George W. Munson was born on November 10, 1859 to John and Mary J (Warner) Munson in Sheffield, Massachusetts, a town which borders Litchfield County Connecticut. His birth is registered in the town record of Sheffield as George Munson - no middle name. His father, John, was a farmer in Sheffield and George grew up there with his parents and three sisters: Julia, Nellie and Minnie. 

1939 Print from Sheffield, MA

In the 1880 Census, George was living with his parents and sister, Nellie, in Sheffield,  He was a young man of twenty and working as a farm laborer, probably on his father's farm.

Sometime before 1885, George moved to Norfolk, Connecticut and was married to Eleanor A. Parsons, the daughter of a shoemaker in Norfolk.  Their first child, Joseph Willard, my great-grandfather, was born on May 13, 1885 in Norfolk.  They later had a son, Frank Warner, who died shortly after birth.  Ruth Warner, Aunt Ruth as she was known to my grandfather and father, was born a year later in 1892. 

In the 1900 Census, George and Eleanor and their two children were still living in Norfolk.  George's occupation was listed as Teamster.  This occupation was listed again in the 1910 Census. Since the Internation Brotherhood of Teamsters union was not founded until 1904, this probably means that he drove a team of horses.  Remember, automobiles were still very rare at this time so products and people would be transported from town to town by train or wagon.  He would have been the modern truck driver of his day!

Eleanor Passed away in 1923 and some time after that George moved in with is son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Ida (Hotchkiss).  George was living with them in Winsted, CT during the 1930 Census.  The household included a 14 year old George Willard Munson and his younger sisters, Ada and Eleanor. 

George W Munson died in 1943 and is buried at the Center Cemetery with his wife Eleanor and all of his children. George, Eleanor, Frank and Ruth's names are all listed on one side of the stone.  Joseph and Ida's names are on the other side.

Now, you may have noticed that I have only identified George's middle initial throughout this post.  We know that Joseph was named Joseph Willard and my grandfather was George Willard but I have not found a record of Joseph's father's middle name - only the initial W.  I suspect that it is NOT Willard.  I believe the name Willard came from Eleanor's side of the family and will explain this further in a future post.  My best guess for George W's middle name is that it was Warner - his mothers maiden name.  This is reinforced by the fact that he gave both a son and a daughter that for a middle name. Two other possibilities are William or Wells since his mother's father was William Wells Warner.  If you know the answer to this mystery, please comment otherwise I will continue to search for the answer.