Did you know we were related to Katherine Hepburn, the four time Oscar winning actress. Her Eighth Great-Grandparents, Robert Parke and Martha Chaplin are my Ninth Great-Grandparents. I think that makes us second cousins, eight times removed. Does that sound right?

This photo is by Alfred Eisenstaedt who used
to live in the building where I now live!
Here's how it Goes:
.....................................1. Robert Parke
.....................................+Martha Chaplin
2. Samuel Parke.............................................2. Thomas Parke
+ Martha ?......................................................+ Dorothy Thompson
3. William Parke.............................................3. Dorothy Parke
+ Jane Bordwyn.............................................+ Joseph Morgan
4. Abigail Park................................................4. Dorothy Morgan
+ David McWithey.........................................+ Ebenezer Witter
5. Simeon McWithey.....................................5. William Witter
+ Sarah Van Deusen......................................+ Hanna Freeman
6. Levi McWithey...........................................6. Mary Witter
+ Lorinda Church...........................................+ Oliver Spaulding
7. Jane Stephens McWithy...........................7. Erastus Spaulding
+ Nicholas Jones Rosenburg........................+Jennet Mack
8. Elizabeth Delphine Rosenburg..............8. Marth Spaulding
+ Marcus Edwin Hooker...............................+Lemon Garlinghouse
9. Jenny Estella Hooker................................9. Caroline Garlinghouse
+ John Emil Dahlquist Sr..............................+Alfred Houghten
10. John Emil Dahlquist Jr...........................10. Katherine Houghten
+ Florence Mary Bowman............................+ Thomas Hepburn
11. Debra Florence Dahlquist.......................11. Katherine Hepburn
+ Edward Deck Munson
12. Scott Edward Munson
Our common ancestors, Robert and Martha (Chaplin) Parke arrived in Boston from England in 1630 on board the ship Arabella. Robert served a time as secretary to the first governor of Massachusetts, John Winthrop. The couple moved to the newly settled town of Wethersfield, Connecticut in 1639 where Martha died after a short time. Robert served as Deputy to the General Court in 1641 and 1642. He married Alice Freeman in 1644. In 1649, the couple moved to New London, where their newly built barn served as the first house of worship. They finally settled in Stonington where Robert died in 1664 at the age of 84. Alice died two months later.
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